mod adds new items with which you can create automatic mob farms
Порт одноименного мода
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This mod adds the Depth Meter.
Wither Skeleton Tweaks makes farming and searching for wither skeletons a much easier task.
Boots that negate all fall damage when you wear them.
In game info.
Addon for Recipe Viewer mod to see list of items you can obtain by bartering with piglins.
Giant Sword Mod
Test Gui
add RF Cables
A mod that adds more foods and crops to the game.
the mod is still not fully completed!
минимальное разнообразие новых блоков и предметов, новая еда(довольно много) и 1 новый моб
Make mobs fight with each other! Works with Add-on mobs.
You want a description?
add more tools and item for you help
Minecraft but with vegan options
Overclock hopper.
Adds lots of baubles to the game