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This mod adds four backpacks
Iron Chests mod has chests for the various materials with more capacity than vanilla chests.
Port of the Forestry for MinecraftPE
All Recipe List
Car quarries, car farms, subject and liquid pipes, combat installations and much more
Ender Storage is a convenient storage for minecraft items.
Fast ore mining.
Better Foliage is a mod that will make your Minecraft worlds more impressive, mainly by improving ho
Solar Flux Reborn adds solar panels that generate RF.
Mod library for creating structures with other modifications.
Модификация добавляет 2 новых биома в майнкрафт(осень и кленовый лес)
Adds only crops. BlockID to use is only a little.
Мод-библиотека, добавляющая прослойку между C++ / JS А так же расширяющая функционал JS модов
Galacticraft 4, big mod, added more mekanisms, planets, batteries, decorations!
Auto landing is now in Minecraft! Break or click on the harvest block and it will drop out and plan
Jei mobile - addition to Recipe Viewer
Adds a description to the items. Namely, from which mod the item is, numeric and text id.
Add new boxes
Создавайте свои квесты, без знания програмирования!
Мод изменит интерфейс блоков на классический.
A mod that adds some useful information about food/hunger to the HUD
Fission! Fission!
Добавит посох который ускоряет блоки.
add RF Cables
Convert freely between different energy systems
Machines, electricity, power tools and armor
Advanced tools and armor for IC2
Новые апгрейды для ICPE
Addition for IndustrialCraft2 PE adding new solar panels, solar helmets and Molecular Transformer