mod adds new items with which you can create automatic mob farms
Порт одноименного мода
Adds a description to the items. Namely, from which mod the item is, numeric and text id.
A mod that adds some useful information about food/hunger to the HUD
What? Nothing.
Click on sign to edit.
Galacticraft 4, big mod, added more mekanisms, planets, batteries, decorations!
More Storage
Convert freely between different energy systems
This mod adds the Depth Meter.
Add new tools
Wither Skeleton Tweaks makes farming and searching for wither skeletons a much easier task.
This mod adds Long Fall Boots, so you can jump from any distance and be a-okay!
Boots that negate all fall damage when you wear them.
overworld but super flat
Ore trees
In game info.
A client-side mod that rotates the camera while turning during elytra flight.
Addon for Recipe Viewer mod to see list of items you can obtain by bartering with piglins.
Fission! Fission!