Giant Sword Mod
Переплавляй пузырёк воды в пузырёк опыта! Move the bottle of water in the experience bottle!
Переплавляй гнилую плоть в кожу! Smelt rotten flesh into leather!
Hearts now drop from mobs. When they are raised, health is restored!
what is this Additional Recipe mod?
A simple mod that speeds up leaf decay after you cut down the wood in a tree.
A mod that removes the flashing effect when night vision effects have less than 10 seconds left
Test Gui
由于即将更新的无中生有 起源中包含自定义维度,特此更新空岛插件。
All items from EMC energy for everyone. Original author: Toncho. CuiZhenhang 12th revision.
Develop your mods with in-game tools.
A mod that adds more foods and crops to the game.
GregTech 5.0.1 beta released!
Advanced WorldEdit for InnerCore
Lots of utilities from orbs.
Do you want to build something on the nether's roof?
add tree and crops and berrys
Pipes, builder wand, magnet and much more!
Addition for IndustrialCraft2 PE adding new solar panels, solar helmets and Molecular Transformer